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Friday, December 21, 2012

Winnie McCabe

Winnie McCabe
Water for Elephants
Sara Gruen
Historical Fiction

1)    Right now in Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, the Benzini Circus has just gotten an elephant named Rosie. Rosie is fifty-six years old and barely has any training. Al thinks that Marlena should ride the elephant in the show. Jacob Janowski is a ninety-three year old man living in a nursing home. The novel switches between the past and the present. When Jacob is in his twenties, both of his parents are killed in a car accident. After their death, he is left alone with absolutely nothing. He jumps into a train and meets some guys from the Benzini Circus. They hire him to complete basic tasks and care for the animals of the circus. He is later offered a veterinary job with the circus because Marlena’s horse is very sick. Jacob soon secretly falls in love with Marlena, a married woman in the circus. Uncle Al, the ring leader, always complained that the circus didn’t have any elephants. What’s a circus without an elephant? Well, Uncle Al has nothing more to complain about as the Benzini Circus welcomes Rosie the elephant.

2)    I really like this book so far. I am amazed at Gruen’s ability to switch between the past and present. She makes everything easy to understand, which is a great quality. This novel starts off quickly and holds its speed throughout. I was hooked when Jacob’s parents died in the second chapter. Introducing a major conflict in just the second chapter is a great way to get readers interested. I love the suspense in this book too. I read a chapter about Jacob’s past and I am eager to read more. Then I am distracted by a totally different conflict in the present, which I am also intrigued by. I can’t wait to read more about Rosie!

3)    One theme I have noticed in this novel is isolation. I saw this theme when Jacob was completely alone after his parents were killed. He had no one close to him that he could rely on. After getting on the train he was constantly made fun of. I’m sure he felt very solitary at times when he first started with the circus. Jacob is also isolated in the nursing home too. His children left him there and only call him once a week. In addition, he has lost his wife. Jacob doesn’t get along with the people in the nursing home either. I feel like Jacob is isolated throughout his whole life. He has no one that he can truly trust. Maybe isolation is the reason why he thinks about his past so much.

4)    My favorite character is definitely Jacob. There is something about him that makes him really likeable. The way he is represented through the narration makes him seem very sophisticated. Jacob is easy to relate to because he is naïve in his twenties. Jacob just appears to be a warm person, which I like. I am sympathetic for him because he has gone through a lot over the years. From the circus to the nursing home he has many tough times. My favorite thing about Jacob is the way he tends the animals. Jacob is so gentle and compassionate towards them. I love how he can go from a terrible tragedy to a kindhearted vet in such a short amount of time.

5)    My least favorite character is August. To me it seems like he could be bipolar. August is almost two different people depending on the moment. When he is in a good mood, he is sweet and charming. It is the total opposite when he is in a bad mood though. August is an outright cruel person. He beats Marlena, his wife, and the animals of the circus. He has no excuse to be such a terrible person to his loving wife and the animals. No one should ever abuse anything, it is just wrong. His behavior is unacceptable in any condition. I don’t that he deserves to have Marlena as his wife. I hope that people will see right through his games.

6)    I predict that something is going to go wrong with Rosie. She is not well trained and understands only Polish. There is no way for Rosie to communicate well with the members of the circus. I also think that Rosie is going to harm August because she pointed her trunk towards him and sprayed him. Gruen already shows a bad relationship between these two characters. If August beats Rosie, she is destined to hurt him in some way. An elephant could break him in just seconds! He should watch out because there is already some cold blood between them. If August beats Rosie he will just put himself in more danger.

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