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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Robby Black
Sunrise Over Fallujah
Walter Dean Myers
Historical Fiction
Just Right

1. I have been reading Sunrise Over Fallujah,Dean Myers. Right now in the book pewee one of the main characters was put in the Civil affairs unit, and they are going into Iraq to try to talk to the Iraqi people and to try and work with them to help find the terrorists. There are other units working with and those units are supposed to do most of the fighting but it is looking so far like that will not happen. The CA unit has been sent to their vehicles and they are now headed to go to the towns to talk to the Iraqi people. They are not all to happy to be in the CA unit and they all don't think anything bad can happen to them because their not being put into the bulk of the fight.

2. I think Walter Dean Myers always adds great detail into his stories. I recently read Fallen Angles and it was also by Walter and his descriptive writing was the main thing that kept me reading the book. In Sunrise Over Fallujah his writing is not the reason i have kept reading it is more because it is an action packed book that never slows down besides the start were it gets into the book.

3. I think the theme in my book is probably chaos and order because in some points there is so much chaos going around and then the next page everyone has settled down. This is another reason why this book is so good because you never know what to expect next. This goes back to Walter being so descriptive and it how he can change the characters emotions so quickly.

4. My favorite character is Pewee because he is always positive to the CA unit. He is also the kindest out of them all, the others are always making negative comments and making bad comments about other people in the CA unit. Also Pewee writes to his uncle and I think it is very neat to see his letters. Most characters did not take their training seriously and don't think anything bad can happen to them but Pewee thinks realistically and knows what could happen to him in the army.

5. Marla is my least favorite character because she is the character that is the most negative. Marla never is nice to any other characters and she is always looking at the down side of thing and never looks at the posotive things. She also makes fun of the other characters which is something I don't think she should be doing because these people are going to have to spend alot of time together.

6. I think that the CA unit will be caught in the bulk of the war and the will take alot of casualties. Also I think the CA unit will be able to get to the Iraqi people and solve the problems with the terrorists. I hope that once the fighting starts it does not end so suddenly. I think Walter will be able to sustain a good detailed long fight.


  1. Hi Robby,
    The book Sunrise Over Fallujah, by Dean Myers is on my someday list. This blog post made me want to keep it on my someday list. The prompt that is the strongest is number one because, it gave me a feeling that the book is going to be action packed and it gave me one of the characters to look out for in the story. Your paragraph theme is a theme, I have not used this theme before. I think it is a good theme because I read Fallen Angles( italicized) by Dean Myers and that was a pretty big theme in that book. You prove the point well because you use examples from the book.

  2. Thanks for the comment Mr. Barry
