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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chris Shanahan

Christopher Shanahan
To Kill A Mockingbird
Harper Lee
Just right
Chapter 14

1.  In the book right now there is a lot going on.  Jem is changing and in a way so is Scout.  For two weeks Atticus was gone because he had an emergency meeting at the state legislature.  So Calpurnia was watching them.  Cal asked the kids if they wanted to go to church with her on Sunday and they said yes.  So that night she washed there clothes and bathed the kids.  When they got to church in the morning some lady named Lula was getting mad at Cal for bringing white kids to a black church.  Lula was yelling at them and Scout and Jem were getting kind of scared.  Then they figured out they were Atticus's children so they let them sit in the front row.  Scout and Jem were full of questions and Cal answered most of them.  Then Scout asked if she could visit Cal during the week, like at her house.  Cal was like sure you can.  Then when they left to go home they saw Aunt Alexandra on the porch in a chair.  She said she was going to be living here for a long time.  That What has been happening in the book right now.

2.  So far this book has been really interesting and has captivated me.  It is one of those books that you never want to put down.  The characters in this book are very well thought-out and diverse.  They all have different personalities.  Also they all have different perspectives on things.  The story line is really good and it is different fro any other book I have read.  The author is definitely pulling me into this book and I really enjoy reading this book.  I like that this book has a lot going on at once, it keeps me reading the book

3.  The theme of this book growing up.  The theme is growing up because Jem and Scout are growing up.  They are understanding what is right from wrong.  Scout is learning how to control her anger and use her mind instead of her fists.  The theme shows up in the characters a lot and also the plot.  It appears in the plot because Jem and Scout have to grow up early because of the setting they live in.  Jem is now being considered a man and he is only twelve years old.

4.   My favorite character is Scout.  She is my favorite character because she is starting to become a better person.  She is starting to use her words instead of her fists.  She is becoming a great person, for example she doesn't care if someone is black or white..  She is trying to ignore the kids at her school when they say very rude things about her dad.  He thinks Atticus should not be helping a black guy in court.   Many people in the town think that to.  The people think its not right and Atticus should defend white people.

5.  My least favorite character is Aunt Alexandra because she is a horrible person.  She is very raciest and try's to act like she is better than everyone else.  Aunt Alexandra comes and lives with the Finches and she makes Cal take her take her suitcase up to her room.  Aunt Alexandra is super raciest and is telling Atticus to fire Cal.  She wants him to fire Cal because she is now in the house and they don't need her.  So that just proves how mean she is and thinks Cal is not worth anything.

6.  I think that later in the book Aunt Alexandra will change and start to not be raciest and respect everyone equally.  Also I think Tom Robinson will lose the trial and Atticus will do his best but fail in the end.  They don't have much of a chance against the white people.  A lot of the people in the town are raciest and don't think of blacks equally.

1 comment:

  1. 1. So far I also really like the book. I like all the same parts you do like the experience that Jem and Scout have at Cal's church. I also like that they go through the processes of Jem and Scout growing up and growing apart from each other. I like that there are so many differences from then and now but also so many similarities. I also have the same feelings about Aunt Alexandra and how she is mean and racist and really only thinks about herself. When she tells Atticus that she wants his kids to be better behaved I think it’s only because she doesn’t want to be seen with them.

    2. You blog post is very good. I like how it is written and the way that it explains the different themes and the character bonds. You are really good at explaining what you think and the points that you want to make. In your theme paragraph you did a good job explaining the theme "growing up". I never thought about this theme in the book and when I look at it now it is huge. Your blog really demonstrates how much you know about the book.

    3. I agree with you on several things. Scout is also my favorite teacher. I like her becasue she is very much a silly child and she is very curious. She is also really nice and she doesn't think differantly of someone if they have a differant color skin. They are all the same to her. I also agree with you on what you said in your last paragraph. I think that Aunt Alexandra will start to change and be nicer to Jem and Scout. I think that she is going to be nicer becasue right now she is so mean and I think she might overhear a converstaion or something to whip her into shape and have her understand how much of an influence she does have on Jem and Scout and that she is acctually hurting there feelings.

    4. I dont agree with your last perdiction. I think that Atticus is going to win the trial with Tom Robison. I think this because it is such a big part in the book and I have a hard time beliving that he is just going to loose and the case is going to go the way that Atticus is saying it is. Also, if Atticus won there would be no interesting thing in the book, it would be like they are telling you the ending before it happens.
