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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sam Hennessey blog

Sam Hennessey
Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck
Just Right

1)At the end of the book many interesting things happened.  First, Lennie to vocabularyin the barn with with Curly's Wife.Curly's wife told Lennie to touch her hair. Lennie touched her hair and started to grab it. Curly's wife didn't like this and started to scream. Lennie got really worried and he covered her mouth with his hand.  She squirmed and and Lennie accidentally broke her neck. Then George and Candy found a Lennie and and Curly's wife. Candy decided to tell the other people. George told Lennie to run back north to the weed. Then George told the other guys that Lennie probably ran south because they came from the north. George ran north to find Lennie in the weed.  He finds Lennie and they both agree that George has to shoot Lennie because the other people which shoot Lennie anyway.  So George shoots Lennie and the other guys come and find Lennie dead next to George. then Slim and George walked down the highway together to f to find a new life.

2) I felt this book was very interesting and subtle ways. it had had hidden messages on every page
that you didn't notice. If I read this book again I think I would notice many more messages than I did before, but I thought this book was a little bit boring. It never Ieally got exciting until the end when people are chasing Lennie with guns.  Overall it was an interesting end of book that made you really think.
3) A theme in this book that I notice in a couple situations is trust. This is because Lennie trusts George greatly because if Lennie didn't have George he would not be able to survive. Another example of trust is Candy's dog trusts Candy to give him food and help them survive. I think trust is the most important theme in this book because so many people rely other people for food money and support.
4) My favorite character think would be George. This is because George doesn't have to take care of Lennie but he decides to take care of Lennie even though he could go often with his own life without Lennie. This makes him a very great character because he takes the responsibility to take care of Lennie when he doesn't have to. And this is why George would be my favorite character.
5) my least favorite character is Curly's wife. She is my least favorite character because she married a man she doesn't even like. She always flirts with other guys. She is not loyal to Curly and she barely even talks to him. Also she lets Lennie touch her hair and even though she didn't know about Lennie's problem she should let other people be touching.
6) the ending was very surprising to me. Even though Curly's wife's death was foreshadowed many times I would have never thought it would end like this. Although I did predict that after Lennie killed Curly's wife he would run to the weed near the river. I predicted this because George told Lennie if he ever got into trouble to run back to the river. But all the other things like when George shot Lennie I had no idea was can happen. And I think overall it was a good ending.

1 comment:

  1. noah's comment

    1. This book was very interesting. I thought the author wrote with great details and the plot he made was awesome because there was no falling action. I really enjoyed reading this book because I could make a lot of connections with it. I also loved how the charicters were so developed. This book had so many hidden messages and themes with in it. The whole thing with nontraditional family and the American dream it is amazing how John Steinbeck put that all in the book.

    2. Overall I thought your blog post was wonderful except at some parts your writing was hard to understand and I think you neede to use more detail. You have some great ideas and with some tunning this could have been great.

    3. I agree with the hidden ideas if I read this book again i think i would enjoy it more. I would notice the hidden messages like the American dream and nontraditional families. Also i would notice more foreshadowing like what happened in weed and Lenny killing the mice all leading up to Curely's wifes death. This was a very good idea but you could have elaborated more on it.

    4. I dissagree with your theme. It should not be trust because candy's dog and Candy never shouwed trust. Also I doubt that George trusted Lenny because Lenny was pretty unpredictable. Lenny was mentally challenged and I don't think he understood "trust" he just knew that George helped him and that George was the leader and that they traveled together. If you thought that Lenny trusted George you should have given an example.
